Thursday 21 June 2012

Palappam is a dish made with Rice, Coconut, and Yeast. It is often served with Egg Curry or Chicken or Mutton Stew or vegetable Stew

Palappam is a dish made with Rice, Coconut, and Yeast. It is often served with Egg Curry or Chicken or Mutton Stew or vegetable Stew.
Raw Rice - 2 cups
Sago - 1/2 cup
Yeast - 1/2 tsp
Sugar -2 tbsp
Grated Coconut - 1/2 cup
Cooked rice - 1 cup
Salt - a pinch

Soak the rice in water for 5-6 hours and drain it.

Combine Yeast with sugar in lukewarm water and keep aside for 5-10 mts.

Grind the soaked rice with Coconut, sago, and the cooked rice and water to make it a fine batter.

Add the yeast mixture with the batter and mix well. Allow the batter to ferment for 8-10 hours.

Add the salt and mix well before making the appam. Usually Appachatti is used for making Palappam.

Apply oil on the pan before pouring the batter to avoid sticking.

Pour a laddle full of batter on the Appa chatti and spread it well by rotating the pan holding both the handles.

This will give you a lace like look on the outer edges of the appam.

Cover the pan with a lid and allow it to cook for 2 minutes on low flame.

Tasty Palappam is ready to be served with Egg Curry or Egg Roast or Chicken/Mutton Stew or Vegetable Stew.

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